
SlimStar 8230, Genius White Wireless BT keyboard and mouse combo-Dual mode with Bluetooth and 2.4Ghz

SlimStar 8230, Genius White Wireless BT keyboard and mouse combo-Dual mode with Bluetooth and 2.4Ghz თარიღი: 17.09.2024 16:52:02

არტიკული: 31340015402
სპეციფიკაცია:: https://www.geniusnet.com/en/products/view/slimstar_8230
#1ფირმა მწარმოებელი: GENIUS

ფასი : 64.13 ლ


კლავიატურა SlimStar 8230, Genius White Wireless BT keyboard and mouse combo-Dual mode with Bluetooth and 2.4Ghz

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